Local area marketing (LAM) is the activities undertaken by franchisees to market and advertise within their local communities. Unfortunately, many franchisees choose to cap their marketing efforts at their contribution to their franchises national marketing fund, failing to realise the impact LAM can have on their business.

Whilst LAM can be vital to the success and growth of an individual franchise, franchisors often make it difficult for franchisees to feel as though they can undertake such activities, due to strict terms in their Franchise Agreements and a lack of support and guidelines. Often such agreements stipulate that franchisees must gain approval to conduct LAM, which isn’t without reason, as franchisors have worked hard to create and maintain a particular brand image. However, franchisees often find themselves lacking any guidance or materials to take the next step without potentially compromising the brands national image.

Nevertheless, LAM can be the element that makes or breaks an individual franchise, and franchisees should develop a plan to appeal to their local area and seek approval from their franchisor to launch it.

LAM has a wide range of benefits, including increased awareness, engagement and reach amongst the local community. It also aids in building customer loyalty and gaining repeat business. For franchisees, establishing a positive brand image within their local market is what will help the business survive long-term.

Often, especially with the rise in popularity of independent small business, consumers are turning away from the concept of large national chains, and feel driven to support local business. This is why it is key that franchisees are able to make this connection with their local community, and ensure that consumers can see they are one in the same.

Whilst LAM can be done through many channels, social media pages continue to prove the most popular form of community outreach. However, involvement in local events can be a highly effective awareness building tool, and sponsoring of local clubs and sporting teams can further cement customer relationships.

The good news is, LAM doesn’t just benefit the individual franchise, but can help build upon the reputation of the brand as a whole. Research by The Nieman Journalism Lab shows that social media posts targeted to smaller geographic locations are six times more successful than globally targeted posts. The high levels of success achieved through LAM suggests that franchisors should be taking action, encouraging their franchisees to invest in LAM, and providing the support and materials to help them do so in line with the national brand image.

In the start-up and expansion stage of a franchise, the majority of capital often goes to funding equipment and fit-outs, leaving very little capital left to invest in Local Area Marketing. If you’re starting your first franchise, or expanding to more locations, Cashflow It provides equipment financing so that you can channel your capital into marketing and advertising, to help grow your business.

CFI Finance provides various financial solutions, so if you want to hold onto your capital to invest in Local Area Marketing, apply online now. 

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